Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Movies...

Okay.. so in the past 3 or so days i have watched 2 AMAZING movies...
One, I already blogged about...
Across the Universe
CANNOT get enouh of it. I want to carry it with me all day long.. sing it... dance with it.. escape into that world..

Requiem for a Dream
wow... need i say more..?
The music still gives me chills and probably always will...
I keep having flashbacks of the movie.. Of Harry, at the end of movie as he curls up in his hospital bed, his body shaking with sobs.. literally broken to the core.. or where he is in the car and despite the fact his arm is obviously NOT looking good (deep purple and oozing a thick puss) he still jab needle in for one last fix..
In jail, Harry uses his one phone call to finally contact Marion again. "I'll come.. I'll come home day.. You just wait for me, alright?" ..both know that he is not coming home that night... The two share a heartbreaking moment of connection...

Tyrone, lying down for his first night in jail, in a great deal of pain from withdrawal, dreaming of his long-dead mother...
Or the mother, Sara the hauntingly hopeful look on her face, believing-or rather making herself believe- that she is going to be on tv... We all know what is really going to happen.. the various film angles and speeds only adds to the effect,,, and then in the final scenes when Sara finally emerges, her hair cut off, her face drained of life. she is catatonic and emaciated...
Sara's friends come to visit are are horrified to the point of tears as they realize the state that their friend is in (to make it worse, one of the ladies was the one who recommended the pills Sara began taking)

Probably one of the best emotionally draining anti-drug movie out there..
exposing drugs for what they really are and what they really can do to you.. and it is heartwrenching to watch because you realize how true it can be..
It is a work of art that literally shakes you to the core...

And here is the other trailer... i feel bad for anyone who watches this one... it sets them up for such a different movie than what the movie actually is...
Most misleading trailer EVER...

Anyone can be addicted to anything, therefore anything is a drug, and that addiction to whatever can ruin your life.
