Saturday, January 8, 2011

Simple Pleasures in Life...
Im trying to find them again.. and find the pleasures in them.. and not let my mind trail off to the negative..

1. Sleeping in on a rainy day..
snuggling under the warm covers while listening to the rain beating lightly against the window and roof.. LOVE that sound.. even better if you have a fireplace with a (REAL) fire roaring inside..

2. Making Brief Eye Contact With Someone On The Street
ESPECIALLY if it is someone of the opposite sex... there is that slight moment when your eyes catch and linger... and .. maybe.. just maybe... and then you both continue walking.. but you still know -for THAT MOMENT.. you were something to someone (or atleast you can think that)

3. Finding Money You Never Knew You Had
I found a $20 bill the other day when I was going through my room :) YAY! Why did I stuff that $20 with my art supplies? I do not remember... but i am SO GLAD that i did.

4. Hearing that RIGHT SONG at that RIGHT MOMENT
you know.. when you are on a thinking track and then that song comes on that epitomizes what you are thinking.. or goes right along with your memory track..

5. Hearing that song that brings you back
it literally FLOODS me with nostalgic memories of "that one time..." ... and causes me to text someone related to that memory.. which passes on the good feelings to them.. I tend to let songs hold a LOT of nostalgic power..

6. Pull Through Parking Spot
You know what those are.. when you see that parking spot immediately in front of you and are delighted to see that the other side is free too! SOOOOO you continue on through so you can drive forward OUT of the parking spot instead of having to back out.. :)

7. Realizing you Have More Time To Sleep
waking up.. sopoo tired. OMG! I must be late! I wonder what time it is!?!? Ohhhhhh its only 4:32.. I can go back to sleep! (yay!)

8. Making Others Smile
sel explanatory..

9. Warm Sunshine..
Feeling it envelop you in warmth as you step out of the shadows..

10. That feeling You Get When Your Idea Works

more to come...

I have one class down... 2 more to go until I can get a full grasp on what school is going to be like..
Still no jobs.. no offers.. no potentials, though my resume is out there due to my aggressive passing out at places even though they say "APPLY ONLINE!" .. I HATE applying online.. not just the typing everything over and over again on the many different websites.. but because they cant see ME.. they dont know ME.. they see what I wrote yes,.. but I think that if you want to hire someone, wouldn't you want to SEE and TALK TO and MEET your potential employee before you hire them? Yes. I do.
