Saturday, January 15, 2011

the days seem oh so long
I don't know what to do
Everything seems so wrong
I don't like feeling this blue

The voices in my head keep yelling
They cannot seem to agree
The tears in my eyes keep on welling
Is this how its always going to be?

I feel so empty-so very very hollow
I see this food in front of me
but it all seems to much to swallow

"its not about the food", they say
But they don't know how hard it is
to get through each and every day
I try not to let it show

I hate being left out
of all they fun they share
It seems to me without a doubt
that they don't even care

Its strange how the people
that you hold most dear
are also the very ones
that entice the greatest fear

They may not even know
how harsh their words can be
I take them with a mighty blow
I take them personally

Their words never leave my mind
they are there constantly
it makes it oh so hard to find
and be the real me

I look down in front of me
and see my pudgy tummy
it is all i ever see
and makes me feel so crummy

I know I should be at peace
with my body and my spirit
it seems like such a sweet release
so why do i fear it?

I love me and the person that i am
and i want to be accepted
But every time I am me-I feel in a jam
I get too scared that "me" will be rejected