Monday, April 26, 2010

America is loong...
loong loong
we drove from mid Kansas all the way to Moab, UT and were EXHAUSTED...
we arrived after driving downa BEAUTIFUL scenic route to find that all the hotel rooms in Moab were booked due to an Antique Car show..
after checking 8 different hotels we found one for $115 which was hard to grasp since we were used to paying 40-60 for a room..
We refreshed in the hot tub.. chatted with some fellow travelers and then decided to drive down Main Street to check out the car show
it turns out that the cars just cruise up and down the Main drag while people crowd the sidewalks, cheering on and taking pictures and shouting..
I saw rick shaws.. all kinds of funky looking cars that I have no idea what they are (sorry).. a bicycle whose seat was raised nearly 10 feet in the air.. a bicycle that had a motor attatched..
watched in awe as a truck drove STRAIGHT into the main doors of a gas station (we were at a stoplight in the car so couldnt gawk long)

After a sleepless night we headed out to Arches National Park geared up for a day of rock climbing.. the rock climbing shop was closed so we couldnt buy a book to help us find paths so we decided to find some on our own..
we founda few potentials but i kept pushing us on saying we could always come back..
And we got about an hour into roaming the magnificent red rocky sculpture like landscape when JP had a seizure
RIGHT in the middle of the parking lot
with a car RIGHT in front (that was about to turn into a parking spot anyway)
I was unlocking the car and looked up and all of a sudden i didnt see him anymore...
I realized what happened and flipped out (like last time--but this time i knew NOT to call 911 and to just wait it out and make sure he didnt hurt himself)
but wow did he draw a crowd..
this is the 2nd time this has happened.. and last time it was on our way out to Washington at about the same time EXAcTLY a year ago.. in the parking lot of the Grand Ol Opry...
after nearly 2 minutes of his convulsions I was able to help him into the car (while about 12 poeple stood and stared)

needless to say
we did not climb
we did not really get to enjoy our time there.. and he spent the rest of the day sleeping in the hotel room.

oh well.

we are now somewhere near the border between ORegon and Washington.. heading up to visit my grandparents for a night or two in Wenatchee, WA.. perhaps do some jet skiing (HOPE HOPE!!) and munching on some fresh fruit from the hundreds of acres of orchards in the area (except not much is in season)

and then on to Seattle to stay with my Uncle Karl :)
Its always fun with him.. hes always been my Cool Uncle and have had that whole Uncle Crush on him wishing i could find someone like him

and then up to Anacortes to take the ferry through the waters to our final desination..
Friday Harbor, WA
Where my friends at Churchill Coffee will be waiting with tootsie roll pops :)