Wednesday, September 16, 2009

NOTHING but sad

1. I got a call from ATT wireless today...
when i moved out of the cottage in Flat Rock I left the wireless for Zack and JP.
JP went home and i left the wireless for Zack.
I guess we should have switched it to his name
because today I had to pay $460 worth of internet I DID NOT USE.
and Zack still owes me from when I bought his tattoo... atleast $135
and i cannot get ahold of him.. and he will not call me back

2. no calls.. no emails but rejection emails
I keep hoping.. thinking that the places I applied to are waiting for the applicants to pile up and then they will start with the interviews.. but hope is waning-so is patience and happiness
I grew up beleiving that I would be a good girl
that i would be one of those that would just get a job right out of college.
because i AM smart and talented
but now i feel like a failure
still living with my parents
no job.. low on money.. etc.

3. i miss JP

4. my car is still in the shop.. the FIRST one we sent it to-it sat in the parking lot for a week.. then he teetered with it.. 2 weeks later he decided he could do nothing with it. SO my parents transfered it to ANOTHER place Friday (I would have but I was gone..boy do I love my parents) and THAT place will supposedly have the "diagnosis" tomorrow (Thursday).
It is a good little car
Lasted me though college-PLUS the year before..

5. Kayaking on the river is sooo frustrating because the water is SOO low due to the dams..
It is hard to paddle when every time you bring your paddle up, it is covered in seaweed.

6. Exercise... moving.. eating right
still look icky
GRANTED it hasnt been a whole long time
but piled on top of everything else.. and the short hairdo
mirrors are hard to look at


I bought a size 7 pair of flare jeans at Target..
I like them

I went to water aerobics.. ALONE.. and danced in the water with a bunch of saggy old ladies
inspired me to be a swim teacher.. because for the half hour before (i got there way too early out of nervousness) i watched a class of 5 four year olds jumping, splashing, playing, laughing in the water... I want to be that teacher

I wrote down the numbers of volunteer opportunities here in Augusta... the YMCA.. sent an email to the local schools asking what I could do while I was here.. the Animal Shelter (which doesnt have training for another 2 weeks)


---convince my mom and dad the benefits and necessity of pet therapy.. how it would help my mental/emotional situation at the moment and forevermore
---garter belt
--once my car is done.. go to visit my friend Amanda and take a Pole Dancing class OR OR OR get up the courage to do it myself at the one here in Augusta...