Thursday, March 26, 2009

skiing helps!~:)

Last night was better
I guess things got better after cross country skiing..
Greg sucked and fell a lot hte first half.. i just skiid on and took pictures.. then it was my turn to fall.. except i fell like every 10 seconds.. my tail bone hurts.. my legs ache..
but its a good ache
a good hurt
because it means i did something

later that night i met up with an old friend.. a friend i didn't get to hang out with much when i was in town
but she drove all the way from Port Au Port to see me..
we went to Clancy's for a bit.. so the 2 guys we were with could play pool.. and Candace and i could chat
then we drove up and down the street a bit
and stopped at WalMart..
wandering around playing Hide and SEek with the 2 guys we were with when we ventured too far away.. they didn't really play.. so it was easy to find them..
but we both got distracted by the same things..
...glittery things, fuzzy things, things that made noise, things with buttons, bubbles, gitter...
and then it closed
and then we drove around some more and i mentioned
they got excited.. he had been seen.. he always is seen.. and so we went to the place where he USUALLY is found
no he wasn't there
but we got his number
one of the guys called him
i called him
i called him again and left my name and number with his mom
because apparently he had been talking about ME a couple days ago..
we drove around some more.. i bought them Tim Hortons pass the time and to show my thanks.. we drove some more.. and then
went to Dominoes pizza
the best pizza EVER
i hadnt had it before
so they de-virginized me
it was amazing.. cheesy.. hot .. wow.. W.O.W.
and then drove around some more.. playing CORNERS so Candace and i were literally being slung from one side of the back of the car to the other..
and i thought we were going to die
the roads were slick with ice.. and the roads were lined with huge drifts of icy, dirty snow
then we drove up some dark road.. and PARKED
i swear
i thought they were going to kill me
instead we just passed the time.. chatting.. laughing.. sharing stories and pick up lines
and a few tries i tried franticly to get out of the car to flag down random ski-dooers to get them to take me for a ride
i couldn't get out
i was locked in
she didnt want to take me home
i didnt want to go home
but i did

and today we drove away..
away from my old home town..
off to Corner Brook to see where Kyle called home for awhile..

and i eat
on hard candies
on rice cakes
sneaking bits of my moms cinnamon rolll.. or my dads sour cream glazed donut..
or eating 2 or 3 mini Ritz Sandwiches-Cheese..
or half the sleeve of Saltines
wishing i had a salad or fresh crisp peppers or grapes or sliced apples..
anything that was not carb-y..
anything that tasted fresh.. healthy.. delicious..
instead.. im going to pizza with one of my brothers ex semi-girlfriend..
and then to the bar with my brothers best friend/brother.. at an open mic bar thing...