Thursday, March 5, 2009


today was a somewhat lazy day
until i got motivated

I spent the morning lounging on the water bed.. with hummus and pita chips and a bottle of wine (i never actually OPNEED the wine tho...)
and watched
"The Final 24"
which documents the last 24 hours of famous stars/legends..
I watched my favorite man ever

John Belushi... 33 years old.. died March 5, 1982
such a kind hearted fellow.. such talent.. soo funny.. yet he never grew up to the point where he realized he COULD be okay on his own.. he spent soo much time in the spotlight.. with fans and stars.. Saturday Night Live was where he first met Cocaine.. everyone did it to keep them awake on set..
He was just a small town boy.. from Illinois.,..
at one point he had the highest selling record (Blues Brothers).. top movie (Animal House) AND was on the up and coming top favorite show (Saturday night live)
His trademark one eyebrow raise..
his Saturday night updates with Jane Curtian
he died.. of course.. of an overdose.. cocaine got the best of him.. and he even dabbled in heroin and speedballs near the end..
his gravestone is down in Martha's Vineyard.. and graffiti on it reads: "You could have stuck around a bit longer. You could have given us a lot more laughs. But, Nooooooooo...." (a play on a quote from one of his famous SNL clips)
I have such respect for that man.. and wish i could have met him..
ahh.. oh well..

Jim Morrison.. 27 years old.. died July 3, 1971
heart throb from The Doors.. MAJOR alcoholic.. went downhill fast..
SUPPOSEDLY found dead in a bathtub in his rented apartment in Paris
he had gone to Paris to recuperate from rumors and illegitimate charges against him by the police and FBI
They stated that the cause of his death was heart failure, so no autopsy was done on his body
MANY say it was due to heroin overdose.. and years and years of alcohol abuse..
and his girlfriend Pamela Courson was in the room with him..
3 years later, Pamela (his common-law wife.. on-and-off again girlfriend) died of a heroin overdose.. at age 27.. same as Jim..

River Pheonix.. 23 years old.. died October 31, 1993
Drug overdose.. on the sidewalk outside of the Viper Room where Johnny Depp's band was supposedly playing (or supposed to be playing)
Johnny Depp closes the Viper Room every year on the day of his death in commemoration..
he had an interesting life.. vagabond family... part of the cult "Children of God" which glorified sex.. leading him to lose his virginity at age 4.. tho had a celbiate period age 10-14..
He was Young Indy in one of the Indiana Jones AND was the star in Stand By Me.. his good looks helped his career soar..
he provided for his family.. breadwinner for all
a Vegan and animal Rights Activist..
they had the actual phone call his brother, Joaquin made to 911 and reenacted everything.. his 8 minutes of convulsing.. it really was kinda shook me up a bit..

Kurt Cobain.. 27 years old.. died April 5, 1994
No more info needed..
i can go on about this man.
i grew up with him
and in the same area as him
and my brother told me alll about him..
he is my hero..

I went to Carl Sandburg house
in flip flops
with snow~and ice..
i slipped a couple times lost my phone a couple times as it slid out of my pocket..
I found a pond covered in ice.. knocked and cracked the ice.. my phone slid across the ice and landed on the other side.. i had to scramble up the hill in flip flops and and retrieve it.. and head back to the other side...
I was cranking up "LAst of the Mohicans" and t was amazing.. I love it Last of the Mohicans style.. invigorating..

Walking downtown i had 3 people stop to ask if i needed a ride
in fact.. one Mexican actually turned around twice.. and pulled off the side of the raod to get me in his car.. or my number.. i wenti inside the nearby Pet Store and played with the puppies to get away from him..

And then went home.. cranked up the music.. danced around the kicthen.. made some soup.. puked.. danced.. made some cookie dough while dancing.. cleaned while dancing.. swept while dancing.. etc.
i decided
im not ugly.


UnicornPrincess said...

yes that would be an awesome decision :)