Wednesday, January 7, 2009


What a reality check..
I did not really want to come back here..
I had SUCH a fun time hopping around to different peoples houses.. "Old college friends".. which makes me feel old to say.. tho the majority of them are out of school too.. or near it..
Lets see... Highlights:"

-an interesting pay back for a friend buying me a bowl of soup for lunch
-sharing a 40 oz margarita and stumbling back to my friends place and attempting to play Super Mario the rest of the night
- agreeing (while the the midst of the margarita) to meet a friend at the Zoo in Birmingham and not realizing until almost an hour and a half before we were supposed to meet (and its a good hour away)
-having a friend call call call callcall call and getting mad that i didn't spend all my time with him
-going with a friend while he made a "deal" at this sketchy house.. but yet soooo thrilling..
- calling up a friend at 11 at night asking if i could stay the night at his place.. while i was still at the bar..
- my mom yelling at me for doing nothing with my life and accusing me of not trying to apply for jobs and saying i should go to grad school.. then admitting we didnt have hte money for grad school.. then inviting me to stay at the house if things got worse
-discovering i barely had enough money to pay rent for February
- sexual tension while looking at bananas in the grocery store as a man proceeded to ask me, "How do YOU eat bananas... wanna show me?"
-coming home to my little cottage to find my little mousey left me presents all over the floor and counters in the kitchen
-getting out of the plane.. arriving at my car.. and finding a pretty little box with a bow on it.. my dad bought me cowboy boots!~ ha!
-meeting the MOST INTERESTING person ever on the airplane.. kinda made me want to join the mile high club.... though i lied because it was actually at the airport and i was wearing my tutu because it didn't fit in my bag... its fun to play with the layers
-Plane-wide interactive trivia game on the airplane.. My name was Gdogg }(I couldn't put in my brother Greg's name because the buttons were too sensitive and would put GGgggrrr ... I almost left it at that) with my mom as my dad.. my dad as my mom,.. and my brother as me..

-arriving at the airport at 5 at night.. waiting outside for the shuttle to take me to the Tacoma Dennys.. in Flip Flops and s short dress...
-my wild and crazy friend from High school/middle school.. is now married and pregnant and astounded at the fact i have tattoos and "buddies" and dont have a steady job
-Wenatchee: house full of 12 kids and 9 adults (dont worry.. i was considered an adult) for 2 days and nights
-going out in the cold alone.. sledding for a good hour.. till i was soaked, exhausted, numb and caked in snow... then proceeded to cook quesadillas for the children.. while sipping on wine.. finishing up most all of the bottle.. and going back downstairs to play air hockey and Wii with my small cousins.. while strung out on wine... I actually got BETTER at air hockey.. but worse at Wii
-visiting an old friend ,. with quite a history.. that includes sneaking out of my friends house with her and meeting this boy and her boy.. for a whole week in a row.. a good 7 years ago..
-playing Taboo and pictionary with my parents and their friends from college (who are like my 2nd parents)
-I got "Cockroach" on Taboo...she has split it into 2 sections and started saying "Weiner.. penis.. you suck it" of course in my stupor i shouted out "COCK!!" while everyone else seemed stumped.. moving on to 2nd part "the end of burnt out blunt" and i went at it again: "ROACH!" .. everyone continued staring.. apparently i wasnt supposed to know these things..

I have been trying.. since October.. putting out resumes and cover letters and inquiries.. either i get nothing or led on... AND IT FEELS LIKE I AM UNWANTED.. unworthy of having a job.. and that is NOT cool.. because i KNOW i can do the job once i get one...
but i begin to second guess myself sometimes..
and moneys low....
not quite enough to pay for Februarys rent..
have to move out somewhere.. either hole up with a friend for a bit (doesn't matter where in the country either)... or go to my parents.. or grandparents.. or aunt and uncles near Denver..
And i stil feel big and awkward and ugly... but im working on that.. or trying too...