Friday, January 23, 2009

3 jobs... decision time..

3 jobs..

1. PAcific Science Center
30 hours (A MONTH)
the place i GREW UP going to.. with dinosaurs that roar and moan and squirm... and huge water room with literally canals of water all around the room... a warm tropical butterfly house that retains heat and light and butterflies all year round... all in the shadow of the Space Needle..
30 hours a month
in a VERY expensive city
tho i do have friends in the area already..
and its the place ive always wanted to go back to..
and a place that i KNOW people will come visit me..
Id only be doing birthday parties and occasional weekend educational class or activity..
SOOOOOO Id need to find another job...

2. Henry Doorly Zoo
one of hte BEST zoos in the world
the city where i had my liver transplant back in 1988.. .I already contacted the place where i had my transplant.. the transplant team.. they were excited for their success story...
the zoo where my mom used to take me there whenever she could get me out of the hospital
that i randomly emailed in hopes there was a position...
they called me back to interview for the sleepover staff.. where i get to lead tours and programs and activities for groups that spend the night at the zoo..
SO much fun (so it seems...)
its soo far away from any and every ocean.. seems quite boring.. no beauty... cold cold cold..
but my DREAM is to work at a zoo.. and this is my foot in the door..

3. McWane Science Center..
RIGHT near my old college town.. so lots of people i could visit... and play and party...
25 hour a week.. working birthday parties.. and teaching classes for kids 3-6... and "walking the floor" and engaging children and their families.. cleaning.. etc.
the lady who interviewed me was SUPER enthusiastic about me and immediately took me to her boss and the other lady i was supposed to visit in the 2nd interview..
more hours than any other.. but i am not impressed with a lot of Birmingham.. but i LOVE the McWane center...

I interviewed there yesterday.. after a day that got progressively worse and worse.. broke down to tears 6 times by 2:30... visitted my good friend Trent :) :) : ) my inspiration.. before he left for Australia for 8 months.. he has opened up a world of possibilities and options and points of veiw that i NEVER would have had access to if it wasnt for him
STayed at a couch surfers place.. drank a bit too much and woke up still slightly shaky and drunk and icky and the migrane/headache/tummyache/hangover got worse and worse as i tried to decide where to head to next
Andalusia.. back to Emily.. tho shed be at a funeral.. and then off doing her own thing..
Augusta... to be with my parents and brother.. last time we are all together before Summer.. Gregs leaving for school Satruday..
Asheville.. to talk it out with JP.. face to face instead of over the phone and facebook.. i know the truth of how he feels.. and i knew.. and after a bit of sadness and :( i got over it and shrugged it off.. that doesnt change how i feel.. and he still cares..
AUGUSTA tonight..
ASHEVILLE tomorrow
back to Augusta.. to be with parents.,, and new friend.. hopefully eventually ill find a place to settle down
i need a therapist