Sunday, December 21, 2008

snowglobe seattle

"Hamster on a piano eating popcorn"

Karl showed me that.. ha! getting the travel bug.. REAL bad..

Karl and i were looking up plane tickets.. deciding routes.. places to visit when i go to places..
i really want to backpack around Europe.. do what my dad did.. what many people do...
but i REALLY dont want to do it alone...
i need someone to experience it with me.. i need companionship.. someone to nap with..

or just road trip across the US.. ;) whatever works..

im scared though. .to give up this conventional life of whatever it is i am doing with my life.. i know my PARENTS dont want me to do what i want to do.. but with all my heart and soul i really want to do this.


The snow here is sooo soo prettty.. i just need someone to play in it with me.. get silly.. marvel at its wonders.. suck it up from the air.. taste it.. pour liquidy goodness into it and eat it like a snowcone.. build castles and snowmen..

coming to seattle.. everytime.. i fall in love with this place over and over again.. i really want to live here... but there are things i dont want to leave behind.. but the more time that passes the more im accepting of it all that goes on back there.. its hard but yea..
JPs message to me did make me want to cry though.. blah blah that he will never forget me.. that its good for me..
i just want someone to want me enough to DO something about it..
too many too many poeple saying things to make me feel good that dont mean it.. empty words.. empty promises..

and i believe it every single time.. which makes it hurt worse every time because i KNOW better

but yea..
i do stll set out tobeleive the best in everyone and everything.. open up my eyes and arms to everything that happens...
say yes rahter than no
follow through rather than make excuses
which is why im visitng John tomorrow when i was nervous too..
and perhaps visiting a couchsurfer the next night even though i will wake up on Christmas Eve at his place..
but its my parents really that get in the way.. because my mom does not want to do things for me that are slightly out of the way but will make my life so much happier.. i mean.. i can live with just sitting in a hotel with my parents crowded on the floor.. but theres soo much more out there calling me..

we shall see..

TOMORROW is the day i visit the childrens museum where i may or may not work and move to..