Wednesday, December 24, 2008

..little story-2! ...

Overlake Terrace.. where my grandpa now resides.. where my grandma used to.. utnil she fell down the stairs and hit her head..
Yes, it is an old folks home.. there are 3 floors.. as you go down their functioning level does too.
They both used to be on the top floor… they moved to the middle floor.. that’s when my grandma fell.. soon thereafter, my grandpa moved down to the bottom.
We visited him today.
LAST time we visited him it wasn’t so bad.
This time, it really.really.really. creeped me out..
There were old people passed out and sitting on random couches and benches all over the place…. Mostly dead to the world, eyes shut, mouths open, ragged breathing..
There were people wandering around.. vacant eye staring ahead.. and when their gaze shifts to you, it bruns..
We followed my grandpa as he wandered around the hallway that ended up to be a circle. Around and around we went… passing the painted bus station and pictures of Audrey Hephern and little babies that are glued to the wall so they wont try to remove it and take it with them.
One of the rooms has a crib with piles of blankets and babies that are half clothed, their blank eyes staring up at nothing, their arms stuck straight out hoping to be picked up. One of the babies is on the floor, naked, with her diaper nearby.
“Can anybody help me?” says a faraway voice from the frail body in front of me.. her whispy snow white hair has large clumps missing where the bare skin on her head shines with pock marks.
Theres a lady to the left stumbling with a rather prominent hunch checking every door handle, muttering to herselp, “Ohh,.. no vacancies.. that’s pretty good.”
There were two ladies on one same couch.. “It’s almost over” one muttered. It looked as though one sat down.. a little later the other one down too, not noticing the seat was already occupied.
One guy, as he was walking down the hall took off his shoes and left them in the middle of the hallway, continuing his joiurney in mismatched socks.
We opened the door to my granpas room and were hit with the musty stench of urine. Apparantly, he forgets where the bathroom is and so he pees right next to his beed.
There was a lady who was following us for a good bit who rambled on in some sort of gibberish… at one point we stopped and when I turned around, she was standing right in fornt of me and I jumped..
It was like I was in a real live scary movie..
I had to leave early.
I couldn’t handle it
I don’t want to be like that
I don’t want people to have to take care of me like that