Saturday, November 29, 2008

i need to "upgrade"

Annnnnd i let him do it again tonight.. 2nd chance.. we didn't go to the concert.. just sat around like old times.. munching on delicious cheese bread.. He still doesn't understand why I left him in the stands last night.. though i told him.. he doesn't understand how pissed i was: getting there over an hour late-taking the pills-using up my green-falling asleep during the concert HE got me interested in cuz its supposedly his favorite band..
He got a call at 9:15.. i could tell he was tired-he had almost fallen asleep a little earlier.. he kept talking (on the phone) about how he had to go to work tomorrow at 9.. talking about hanging out.. my tummy sank yet again
At least this time HE wasn't driving up there, his friend was driving down to HIM,.. so.. I ditched him yet again..
ANd the thing that pisses me off most about all of this...
when i leave.. he doesn't come after me..
doesn't even make a move.. though sometimes he "Whats wrong with YOU?"...

i guess that should tell me something.. as it has before..

As my new friend says, I need to "upgrade"