Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lare night ER and rats in the garbage can

Much to my delight, I got called in to work yesterday!:) It was with the group that had 4 girls who are very high maintenance.. feigning sickness and coming up with crazy symptoms...
We had a lovely day.. lots of giggles and we made brownies that night... snuck a spoonful of frosting and licked the brownie batter bowl clean. Then ended it off with a huge slice of chocolately goodness.
nighttime rolled around..
The girls and i sat around on the carpet in the room, chatting, bonding, telling stories.. 9:45, 15 minutes after it was supposed to be quiet time, i sent them to their beds and went to the bathroom
JUST as i was about to PEE i heard a crash and a yelp. At first i thought it was another of their shenanigans.. goofing around.. tickling.. but when i came back out, one of the girls was on the floor in obvious pain, her arm crooked to the side. I sat down beside her, asked her if she was alright.. if she could move her fingers.. the whole she-bang.
Meanwhile i sent another one of the girls running down the hill to the boys cabin to get another counselor to help.
She ended up going to the hospital with JP and Doc. I felt horrible.. The one minute i chose to take for myself, something bad happened.. She was in MY care..
She had fallen off the ladder on her way up to her bunk.. the ladder wasn't screwed in correctly...
Meanwhile the rest of the 3 girls were in a tizzy, not knowing what to do, worried either about themselves and their phantom illnesses or about the girl who had disappeared into the night.
Slowly, I got them settled down... one of the girls came outside to chat with me.. an old friend from the past 2 summers who shows excellent leadership and mothership and caring and understanding.. She had a very close friendship with the girl who had fallen and was quit worried.
We went back inside... and no more than 2 minutes after we had laid down, we heard a loud rustling.. the girls jumped from their beds and we all tracked the noise.... which led us to the garbage can where a cute little mouse was running about. The sides were too slippery for him to escape so he was running back and forth. After a few minutes of gazing in awe (or,,. for some... disgust) I took the garbage can onside. As i was about to let the little guy loose, I realized he was not in there anymore. He had escaped somewhere between the walk from the garbages home by the beds to the doorway. I did NOT let the girls know.. and pretended i had set him free.... so hes probably still in there somewhere.
Alas, the girls were riled up once again. In an attempt to get them to quiet down and get to sleep, I allowed them to pull their mattresses down on the floor so we could have a sleepover. the catch was we had to have our heads on our pillows-laying down. We could talk we just couldn't read, walk, dance, etc.
It worked.
Until the girl came back.. which incited more excitement and restlessness. It turned out she had only a badly sprained arm.
It lasted only about 15 minutes this time and we all crashed there.. on the floor.. in a mess of pillows and blankets and sighs of sleepy content.