Sunday, August 17, 2008

robot poop

What I’ve found is a public sculpture by Anish Kapoor in Millennium Park, Chicago, that is called Cloud Gate. The sculpture is shaped like an ellipse, and its legume-like appearance has caused it to be nicknamed “The Bean”. It is made of 168 highly polished stainless steel plates, and stands at 33 feet high, 66 feet long, and 42 feet wide, weighing 110 tons.

As i was browsing through my old favorite websites, I happened upon this spectacular work of art.
It is by a man named Anish Kapoor and located in Millenium Park in Chicago.
It is called the Cloud Gate. a.k.a. "The Bean"
It is made up of 168 stainless steel plates and is
33 feet high
66 feet long
42 feet long
110 tons

so soo very pretty.....

I LovE how it is abe to reflect reality.. but in a slightly peculiar, distorted way. I can only imagine how fun it wold be to walk around and inside the hole and see what is reflected and what is distorted.

It could also be seen as a giant robot turd.. though slightly too perfectly sheen and smooth for that..

i can only imagine how upkeep it would require.. what with polishing and shining and buffing... with all the people touching it and kissing it and attempting to climb on it..