Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Last DAy Of CAmp..

Last Day Of Camp... ):
Lounging around in the art room with Dave and Matt.. jamming to the music as i store away the art supplies until next summer rolls around..
I cannot beleive that TOMORROW there will be NO KIDS
I spent the afternoon in the pool.. kids hanging off of me.. begging for hugs and following me around telling me stories.. I have to admit that i lost track of what they were saying about 1,343 times or so.. Playing keep away with the volleyball.. splashing around.. getting tossed in the pool..
We would have races to see who could swim to the other side in one breath.. i made it there and back.. Much more than the others... I have a long breath capacity i suppose...
Switching it up and taking my Academics children to the pond where we proceeded to tip over canoes and go underneath..
When you are underneath a canoe like that.. the little bubble.. just like in Pirates of the Carribean.. Everything echoes.. it is like a whole different world.. you can hear the murmer of poeple outside and then someone knocks on the side of hte canoe and rattles your whole world
We would then tip the canoes back rightside up and inspect the waters to see if we caught any fish.. AND WE CAUGHT SOME!!
They were swimming around inside of the canoe.. i squeled when i touched them..
The academics kids all make fun of each other for being "infatuated" with me.. Teashing each other because one of the others said something about me.. about me being hott or pretty or whatever...
I swam out to the middle of the pond with one of the girls and treaded water for nearly 45 minutes while we rambled on with girl talk.. away from the boys.. I felt the fish skim my legs..
One of the boys and i kept diving to the bottom of the pond to see who could grab the most seaweed..
I am going to miss this..

After dinner i ran around to the different groups with my MacBook Pro and used the Photo Booth.. entertained the children by taking pictures of them with the different effects.. now i have a boatload of fun pictures of my favorite campers...
I used my computer as a boom box as i roamed around to find fun campers and counselors to hang with.. dancing up a silly storm to random songs...

Soon i will be back there though.. for semester programs..
Hopefully I know what i am doing.. I just need to know what i want
I feel slightly lost in my head.. B.B.I.D.'s every day... some moments more than others.. No idea what it is i really want.. no idea where i am "supposed" to be... cant decide what counselors i want to hang out with.. i feel torn.. time is slipping away and i try SOO Hard to enjoy the moment.. aNd i DO! I DO! "
ANd then
And then i sink back down to the sad pocket
and remember
remember where i am.. that i dont know what i want.. that i have graduated and am moving on.. no more Tuscaloosa.. no more school..
What does the future hold?
Hippies and fun and flowers and concerts and children and memories and camping and hookah and...?