Thursday, August 28, 2008

In case you are wondering who i am...

While drifting off, listening to staff training.. i thought about who i REALLY am..
Heres a small introduction
to who i am


I hate pants and tshirts but I love flowy dresses and skirts
I love big warm sweatshirts that aren’t mine
I like the smell and closeness of those I love
I like to wrap myself up in my comforter and hide from the world
I like to put life on screen saver
I walk up to random people on the street that intrigue me and befreind them
I like to practice restraints
I eat my cocoa and my coffee with a spoon
I love it when people hug me from behind.. wrap me up in their arms
I drizzle honey or parmesean cheese on my popcorn
I have troouble sharing my grapes
I have a teddy bear strapped in his seatbelt in the backseat of my car
I go to the ABC store or the wine aisle and run my hands down the bottles, feeling their smooth coolness
I have trouble buying myself food at restraunts but have no problem finishing off other peoplse meals
I text message people song lyrics and pick up lines to make them smile
I carry honey, bubbles, glitter, tootsie pops, parmesean cheese and mini animals in my purse
I love to be woken up by a kitty pawing my nose
I don’t drink beer, but I love my wine
If I find a frineds favorite food/snack/drink on sale, I buy it for them and deliver it with a smile
I need to feel wanted and loved, but don’t know how to get it
I don’t know how to ask for help when I need it
I am not good at inviting myself out with people
I start off following recipes, but end up throwing in my own bit of special ingredients
I put food coloring in my roomates milk
I cut out pictures and words from magazines and have a stockpile waiting for me to glue down on a collage
I will drink wine from any container that is available
I spend way too much time exploring and wandering around grocery stores
I go back for seconds when there are free samples I like
I like paint on my body
I like to take pictures from different perspectives-laying on the ground.. up in a tree.. from behind a fence
I have trouble inviting myslef out with friends when they go out and I know I need that companionship
I day dream too much with fantasies of things that will never happen
I set way too high of expectations and get bummed out when I don’t reach them
I prefer the moon to the sun
I get really ansy when I have free time and EVEN THOUGH I know I have things to do, I can’t motivate myself to do anyhting
I have dumpster dived before and found some amazing treasures
I get charged up and excited anytime I put on my gogo boots
I get a thrill when my food or drink is blue
I can’t stand watching people in pain-emotional or physical and will do anything in my power to put a smile on their face
I do goofy dances because it’s more fun to be free and fun than to worry about what others think
I am more usedt o being laughed at than laughing with others
I feel more of a “them” than part of an “us”
I push myself away from pleaces and people I love because things get too stable and constistant
I bring my own honey to restraunts when I don’t think they will offer it
I make plans and dream about trips I will never take
I wait too long for things that will never happen… for people that will never come
I get nercous and scared when I get too close to someone-emotionally or physically
I get so bored being in the shower I end up cutitng up my legs while I shave because all I am thinking about is getting out
I listen to my music so loud that it drowns out the rest of the world
I listen to anything from Kenny Chesney to Eminem to Nelly to STS9 to the Beatles to Jack Johnson to David Bowie to Modest Mouse
I dream of one day being serenaded.
I love listening to and being swept away when people play acoutsic guitar
I ride around with the sun roof down, windows down, music loud, sunglasses on, music cranked and singing along
I pee underneath peoples windows if its dark enough
I have trouble sitting through a movie unless someone is holding me close
I like my chocoalte chips frozen
I carry faceted prisms with me and use them as kaleidoscope.. watching as the world is splintered and spun in front of my eyes
I make some mean caramal corn, chocoalte covered bananas, random soups, brownies, double layer cakes… but I cannot make them without licking the bowl at the end


ekbrooks said...

put a little garlic in that popcorn but not much! it is yummy and good for your immune system!!!
I miss wandering around places with you and chasing after you when you have enjoyed your wine and want to befriend scary people! but you know..... scary people need friends too!