Monday, June 16, 2008

Art Time!~

I love paint. Little George and Kyle attacked me with paint.. i let them .. it was fun :) They got paint all over in m hair and dress and legs and arms and everywhere.. even on my face!
The morning kids were roWdy.. running all over the place.. forgetting what they were doing and getting distracted by new things they saw out of the corner of their eye.. more ADD than me .. dumping the entire continer of paint or glue or glitter (these are 10, 11, 12 year olds) Then rush off to serve lunch quickly munch down some salad and a few leftover potato wedges.. and then sweep and clean and put away then dash off to the art room where i got bombarded by paint and fun times... then came the next batch of kids and we continued the fun.. painting the walls and boxes and tables and playing clue and daring each other to run out into the rain with the big fat raindrops.. then off to help with dinner again.. wishing i could have a cake.. just for the icing.. instead i settled on a scoop of peas with honey and then sweep and clean and then down to the pool only to be tossed in by MIKE~!~ and then having kids latch onto me like leeches and i twist away and swim away and become a shark and grab and tickle their feet and NOW.. here i am... Listening to Disney music and wondering what music i should have ready for the next kids...
The first group listened to T-Pains "Buy you a drink" 6 times until we banned it..

And still missing Kevin like crazy..
Still wondering where i will be after the summer lets out..
still enjoying the delicious summer as much as i can.. soaking up kiddo love..


Anonymous said...

awww im missing camp life big time!!! it sounds like so much fun :)
