Thursday, May 22, 2008


It has been quite some time my friends!
My computer.. I gave it up to my mom so that she could piddle around on the computer doing nonsense while in Augusta.
My car.. I gave it up to my little brother so he could patrol around Alabama visiting his friends.

Meanwhile.. I have been emersing myself even more in this life that I have made for myself over here.
The ride just never seems to end.. nor slow down..

I feel almost as thouogh I am playing with fire though... It is so strange. so different. so dangerous. so mysterious. so new and wonderful.

I spent the past 3 nights at the Downtown Pub with Kevin and various other poeple who popped in and out throughout the night. I love it. Seriously.. Just sitting around being silly.. playing darts.. dancing to the music.. hiding in the booths.. stealing sips of peoples drinks..

We went camping also.. Kevin and Daniel and Ben and I.. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I am so glad that I went! The boys drank a lot.. we walked around the mounds.. hid from the cops/patrolmen.. gazed at the halo around the moon.. contemplated tipping the cows that were mooing like no other.. and Kevin made me sleep in the car with him because the other two were oWAY too drunk to sleep anywhere near them.

I pulled another all nighter.. Ben and Daniel and Kevin came over after the bars closed on Friday.. We made mac and cheese.. played N64.. and sat around goofing off, dedicating music to each other, playing truth or dare until they left and Kevin and I passed out on the floor with the music still going

I can feel the end of it is near. Tuesday Kevin and maybe a couple others are taking me back to Monroeville and then Emily will pick me up the next day and we are off to North Carolina.

Meanwhile I am caught up in the whirlwind of emotions, memories and sweet escapes.
So many associations.. so many memories already.. from these past week/s
Tool, Bush, NIN, Cigarrettes, Jack and Cokes, Run and Cokes, Hobby Lobby, Donut Tires, Boondock Saints, All nighters, random pasta dishes, Sweeney Todd, Hookah, Bidis, camping and sleeping in a car, Moundville, LAST CALL!, darts, pool, bowling, the Office, Skittles...

And i wonder... What makes them think of me?
What things remind YOU of ME?
what memories have i left behind...?