Monday, May 12, 2008

Gemini...THATS ME!

Who is fond of life and jest and pleasure?
Who vacillates and changes ever?
Who loves attention without measure?
—Why Gemini!

Yes.. I am a Gemini..
:) and i loves it

"Geminis are bright, witty, entertaining and rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task. There are just too many things to do and know, and so many new people to meet. They prefer to skim the surface of many things, then to get deeply involved in one interest. If they do become drawn into something, they always feel they are missing out. It will always be what they aren't doing, or don't have, or the people they haven't met that intrigue them the most."

so true... (I am sorry that i lose interest so quickly...)
"Geminis probably make better friends than they do lovers. They are entertaining companions and are more intrigued by the idea of love than the actual day to day involvement. Remember, what intrigues a Gemini is the unknown. Once something is familiar as an old pair of socks, the interest wears thin and the need for new worlds to investigate grows strong again. Geminis are fickle. This is not intentional, it is their basic nature to be so. Life seems too short a span to get very serious about anything for a Gemini. So, in love as in life, intensity of feeling is always fleeting. It is, while it is!"

AND then..

Positive Traits

• Adaptable and versatile
• Communicative and witty
• Intellectual and eloquent
• Youthful and lively

Negative Traits

• Nervous and tense
• Superficial and inconsistent
• Cunning and inquisitive

Gemini Likes: talking, novelty, variety, anything unusual and working on multiple projects at the same time.

Gemini Dislikes: being alone, being in a rut, mental inaction, conventional learning and feeling tied down.