Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fun night..

What a wonderful night last night!

I invited people over.. we got down with the hookah.. i LOVE watching the smoke spill out of peoples (or my) mouth as it spirals and swirls all around.. making its way around the room... We chilled.. music.. cookies.. hookah.. bubbles.. black light..

Hippie Hollow!
soo many people kept pouring in! I LOVE Exa And Emily's place! Everyone is sooo intriguing.. theater people.. hippie people.. people who do their own thing.. I saw soo many people I hadn't seen in forever-or rather hadn't had the time to talk to in forever.. kicked 2 people to Amsterdam in Foose Ball.. and then sooo totally lost the last one.. played with puppies.. ran around from room to room aimlessly talking to whoever was in my way..

:] Mallet is super fun. Soo many nerds! Soo many cuties.. Soo many fun people.. And-especially that night-SOoo many drunkards! I hadn't seen around Mallet properly.. downstairs.. in the basement.. LOTS of people down there! Music.. couches.. video games.. drinks.. ping pong table.. pool table.. random fun signs on the wall.. lots of people that knew me and i didn't remember them and felt bad.. Ended up playing ping pong with a new friend and we had some super good rallies and then i would randomly (accidentally) hit it across the room in the OPPOSITE direction.. or behind him in the kitchen area.. or up to the ceiling..
I am SO going back there tonight..

Ohhh yeaa!
I also got a fun new dress yesterday which i wore last night.. I had never worn a dress like this before.. I never realized how big my boobies were until i wore that! LoL! It made me giggle... though i was quite self conscious and had to keep looking down to make sure they were still where they were supposed to be.. i am not very graceful either so mmm yea.. interesting times with that dress.. butttttttttttttttt i pretty much knew what people were looking at... not necessarily the best thing on my part, but it was nice to get attention.. tonight when i go i will tone it down a bit..