Thursday, April 17, 2008

dumpy doldrums...

Up and down.
I feel so fragile in my mine.
so emotionally vulnerable.
the littlest thing sets me off
all i want is a hug... that physical assurance that life will be okay.
I had a taste of how wonderful life could be.. now it has disappeared.. like dust in the wind.
Why? why can't i let things slide? why can't i be by myself? Why do i have this yearning for such human closeness?
All i want
is to snuggle... to cuddle.. to lean against someone and have them lean back against me
I am scared to make the deep emotional connections that i so want.. the weeks are drawing to a close.. but at the same time i cannot sit back and let these days pass me by.
Fickle and finicky.. some people are..
I went over to Dan's tonight.. After much debate with my own mind.. and with Julea and Ian, i went against their advice and went over..
They were pretty much right...
just as i had finally stopped crying the phone rang and it was his ex... her last night in town.. which is part of the reason he needed me..
i left. I left so that he could spend the rest of the night with him.
now i cannot sleep.
i cannot think.
i just want. i just need.
I try to reach out to certain people.. boys.. but no real response.. no consistent signs.. maybe i am oblivious..
No se. deseo gritar mismo para dormir. Deseo sentirme vivo otra vez.