Thursday, February 21, 2008

Passion.. motivation.. life... what would you do?

What drives you? what animates you?
You should do what makes you feel alive.. find out what makes you come alive and do it. The world does not need more people just doing things because they need done. The world needs more people that come alive when they are doing what they are doing. Does that make sense?

-> most heart attacks occur between 8am and 9am on Monday mornings. It is the beginning of the work week. About to face a whole week of work you don't want to do.

-> Before, people's jobs were what they did. Now, your job is who you are.

What is it that stops you from taking bigger risks?

When have you been so absorbed in something that time flew by?

What are you most/least grateful for?
->Ask yourself that everyday for a year and see if there is a pattern that emerges
When have you felt most alive?

What are times in your life you would like to repeat?

If you could do anything-assuming time and money were of no concern-what would you chose to do?

What's the wildest thing you've ever done in your life that turned out better than you'd imagined?

If you knew you couldn't fail and no bad would come of it, what is the wildest thing you would do?

Where do you go in your head when you are stressed out?
->PAY attention to that place... it is telling you something

When you were a child, who did you dream of being when you grew up?
-> When did you give up on that dream?

Who do you most want to be like today

Do you feel any expectations or pressure from family regarding your current or future work?

What could you accomplish that would make your parents proudest?

How do you know you're parents are proud of you?

What movies or stories moved or influenced you.. changed your view on life?

If you listed 10 favorite movies, what would be a common theme?

Find your passion..
What do you have a passion for? What has made you want to jump out of bed?

"When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn."
— John Wesley
Evangelist (eighteenth century)

Chase down your passion like it's the last bus of the night.
-- Glade Byron Addams
