Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Innocence of children...

You know what I love about children?
I go to the zoo everyday (or.. before to the Children's Hands-On Museum) and pretty much feel like crap.
The kids see right through everything. They see me. They look at me with their intense, innocent eyes.. they grab my hand.. they pull me along into their world.
They make me feel beautiful.. they make me feel wanted and special.
They call out to me, "Come sit by me!" when they climb upon the Carousel.. they shout "Sit HERE!" as they poke at the open seat beside them on the little train... They look up, catch my eye, and grasp my hand..
As i walk hand in hand with them, their hand sometimes falls away as they as they get distracted by the lion as they giggle at how the lion lays, splayed out on his back.. as we move on to the next highlight, the child always finds my hand again...
I still remember back a long time ago, when I was in Nashville for Christmas while my brother was going through some intense cancer treatment. I couldn't handle doing nothing and hanging around in the hotel or the hospital. So i called up the Adventure Science Museum and asked if i could volunteer. I spent an amazing 2 weeks helping out the Winter Camps.. we spun in circles on a swivel chair to simulate being on the moon, we put marshmallows in dry ice, or nitrogen oxide and then smashed them with hammers... we put together volcanoes and ooh'ed and ahh'ed as the candy liquid spilled out... There were 2 brothers who I became attached to. I cried when i went home and had to leave. they had such an effect on me.. the younger one commented one time, "Wow... you're so skinny I can see right through you when you turn sideways."
Those words still haunt me as i realize how he, and probably the other children, saw me. I certainly did NOT see myself that way.
In their innocence, children can provide wake up calls with deep and lasting impact.
My last day there, him and his brother hugged me and begged me to come home with them and meet their mommy. They asked if i would be there come Spring... I said no and my heart ached as their faces fell.
At least I mean something to some people.. even if they are about 10 or more years younger than me...