Sunday, January 6, 2008

Death Row Webpages

At, you can browse through inmates requests for their last meal..

And here is a better, condensed table of the Final Meal Requests, courtesy of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
some "refused last meal"
Here are some highlights...

Four fried eggs sunny side up, four sausage patties, one chicken fried steak patty, one bowl of white country gravy, five pieces of white toast, five tacos with meat and cheese only, four Dr. Peppers with ice one the side & five mint sticks.

Fifteen slices of cheese, three fried eggs, three buttered toasts, two hamburger patties with cheese, 2 tomato sliced, one sliced onion, french fries with salad dressing, 2 lb. of crispy fried bacon, one quart chocolate milk and one pint of fresh strawberries

1 bag of assorted Jolly Ranchers

Chocolate birthday cake with "2/23/90" written on top, seven pink candles, one coconut, kiwi fruit juice, pineapple juice, one mango, grapes, lettuce, cottage cheese, peaches, one banana, one delicious apple, chef salad without meat and with thousand island dressing, fruit salad, cheese, and tomato slices

Justice, Equality, World Peace

None. Last minute he decided to eat a hamburger at his Mother's request.

Asked that final meal be provided to a homeless person

1 box Frosted Flakes, 1 gallon milk

I just found an interesting website.... The CCADP (Canadian Coalition Against Death Penalty) offers free webpages to over 300 Death Row Inmates

Here is a poem from a young 23 year-old inmate, Trace Duncan imprisoned since the age of 17 and on death row since 19...He has poems and essays on his website and is looking for a pen pal.

"Decadent Verses"

As the television rots my brain
The past two decades erase my face
I sit indian style on the bed
zoned out-ungratefully dead
searching for pretty yellow flowers
blooming inside my head
spawn of anonymous hoi-polloi
A prisoner of my own mania
A prisoner of my addictions
Sleeping with the lights on
wrapped up in these conditions

Freddie Lee Wright was executed March 3, 2000. He was accused of robbery and murder and claimed innocence which was never granted. He has many essays and whatnot that are written from his heart... in one of them, he asks that heartwrenching question, "how do I tell my child that I am under a sentence of death and most likely I won't be coming home again?"

Amina Lawal lives in Nigeria and is sentenced to death by stoning for having a baby outside of marraige.

And an interesting study done here in the USA around 10 years ago found that
From this; the cost of keeping a 25-year-old inmate for 50 years at present amounts to $805,000. Assuming 75 years as an average life span, the $805,000 figure would be the cost of life in prison. So roughly it's costing us $2 million more to execute someone than it would cost to keep them in jail for life


Anonymous said...

i would have a steak, taco pizza, orange juice, pepsi with ice, fries, crackers with peanut butter and a brownie