Sunday, January 27, 2008

Across the Universe

Across the Universe.
I love this movie. Ohhh man..,
I cannot wait until i own it..

Leave it to Bono...
I was scared he would ruin this song, but I approve... I really want to be there with them, especially in this part.. on the bus..

And here is Dear Prudence.. Gives me goosebumps.. And the cereal...
The sun is up, the sky is blue,
Its beautiful, and so are you....

"Revolution" ... this song reminds me so much of Oasis.. .and notice... how purdy he is when he sings...

Such a bizarre and beautiful movie.. I feel that it caught the feeling, the pasison and the frezny of the era. Leaves your ears ringing with pleasure and your heart yearning for more.. all of the references to Beatles.. the girl who "came in through the bathroom window" and Rita who they met, she was a contortionist... Captures the whole Greenwich Village and the anti-war movement with protests and deaths from war and riots and chaos and rising tension and intense freedom for passion and love...
I literally floated out of the movie on a psychedelic cloud of pure bliss and comfort.. wistfulness to live there... to experience that era.. to be carried away on the bus, flowers and long hair and flowy dresses and bliss

Joe Cocker's "Come Together" as the bum, mad hippie and pimp all in one.
Bono's "I am the Walrus" as Dr. Robert
Eddie Izzard... as Mr. Kite...

Selma Hayek even made an appearance as a singing nurse..

Of course you need to have an open mind... They do change the songs of the Beatles, some people out there do not like it... many more love it.

Sadie, the sexy singer lady and JoJo the breathtaking guitarist... They were pretty much representing Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix.. mmm...

--->All pictures, courtesy of