Monday, December 6, 2010

Okay.. just "Stumbled Upon" the most interesting article..

Harriet Brown takes on Anorexia in Brave Girl Eating

Its pretty much the same old stuff every other book and article has on Anorexia..
but there were some things that stuck out for me.. that Is IMPORTANT for others to understand...

"..It’s not a refusal—that’s what I have seen. It’s an inability to eat. The example I give parents when they’re having trouble understanding this disease is: When my daughter would sit down to a plate of food, it was like for me jumping out of an airplane. It’s terrifying. Sufferers are in a grip of compulsion and fears that are so, so huge. I do think that we have trouble understanding that, and I’m not sure why, but I hope that it is changing"...
Honestly.. that is how it feels.. I see that bagel with cream cheese.. or big plate of nachos.. and I WANT IT .. i am drooling.. my stomach is grumbling for it.. but the FEAR the sheer TERROR.. of what? the food? not necessarily...

"...There is an assumption that fat kids are not healthy and thin kids are. I think there is a big risk of triggering eating disorders when you are emphasizing weight so heavily, and for some of those kids this is going to be the thing that triggers them into a lifetime of unhealthy eating in a different way. We come in all different shapes and sizes. Not everyone is going to be a size zero even if they are eating healthy, exercising, and are happy—that’s just not the way we work...."

And from another article...

“...I was never really proud of being anorexic,” says Emily, “but one of the sickest parts of the disorder is that you do get a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from depriving yourself. To eat is to fail, and to starve is to succeed...”
...and im failing....


UnicornPrincess said...

no you arent are staying alive and healthy.