My favorite fun little interweb buying shop (which i actually have not bought anything from yet) is crammed with all kinds of fun things to entertain you in many ways..
Perpetual Kidis the name.. And i have picked out a sampling of different things they offer.. feel free to explore around it yourself!
Here is a simple way to make plans with someone! Fill out your name.. their name.. and simply check the box in the appropriate activity that you want to participate in with them.. or do to them.. or do for them..

Tired of saying the same thing over and over again to the babysitteR? Here is your solution! Simply click the boxes that are appropriate and leave it for her/him .. easy to read.. easy to fill out.. and might save your children's lives! ! ! what more could you ask for?

Moon Jar! Ever wanted to capture the moon? Well here it is! Nice and packaged up for you!
"Captured inside the jar are a highly efficient solar cell, rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps. When the jar is placed in sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar."

Fun! in the sun! Ever wanted to hold the sunshine in your hands? Now you can! ITS THE SUN JAR!! .. same technology with the lighitng as there is in the MOON JAR (which is by far my favorite..

BANANA PHONE!! Da na na na... ever heard that song?? well.. now you can recreate it! AND poeple will think you are talking to a BANANA!!!

Simply slide the ripe yellow banana peel onto any handle and there is NO CHANCE of you getting burnt when you cook your Moussaka! It is heat-resistant silicone!
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