"be your own boyfriend..."
I LOVE Chris Crocker! :) He makes me laugh.. he makes me smile.. and sometimes he makes me realize...
"Behind every girl... is a gay best friend."
"it dont matter about her momma and daddys approval, it matters about her gay best friends approval.."
Ha! :) "What you really need to be doing is bringing that gay best friend a fruit basket and shaking his hand!"
ooo man...
"...all i need is a 5 minute stand! And we dont need to be standing if you know what i mean!"
" I may @(#$ a stranger but ain't let him stay in my house!"
Friday, March 14, 2008
Chris Crocker Fun :)
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chris Crocker, fun, inspirational, Videos
Funny Little Animals..

Thanks to Dark Roasted Blend
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:47 PM 0 comments
I have been Sooo busy with all kinds of fun things.. and not so fun things..
Making new friends... making colorful swirly crayons... baking cookies and foccacio.. Zoo times.. Children's Museum times.. freak out about the future times... making me want to do even MORE things that I haven't done and find ways to continue doing the things i do like..
Therefore, I have had little time to concentrate when I am browsing the net and looking for fun things to post.
I will be gone to Ecuador for a spell (Saturday March 15-Wednesday March 27)
Wow.. when i actualy write it out it seems like suuuuch a long time!
Yes. I am scared. Yes. I am excited. Yes. I am nervous.
Who knows what will happen? I know wayyy too many things that COULD happen.. but that does not mean that it WILL happen.
Anyway, One last post (i think) before i head out..
Prepare for many pictures of my travels and stories of my adventures!
:) :) :) :)
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ecuador, Wayra Urku