Here is a super fun photo flipbook thingie... I LOVE photography and this little website shows us a fun way to play with photography in a different way... It is George Langue's photography.
HIS WEBSITE can be explored for even more photography...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Fun Photography
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Photography
More Pictures
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Friends, Hamster, Love, Photography
Some thoughts...
Life is strange...
I have spent most of my life, flying free.. not attatched to anyone. I had diverse friends that I bounced around to. Not since 4 or 5th grade have I been able to soak up that loving feeling... that Brat Pack feeling.. that super close group of friends who pretty much grew up together and just simply hanging out with not much to do, just aimless chatter and inside jokes and where hugs are given and received so freely.
I love hugs, but I still feel strange..intimidated when hugging others... I seem to leave my mind and look at the situation as an outsider... I feel so strange in intimate, close situations with anyone and everyone. Julea I think is the only one that I feel like myself around, whether it is just her and me or we are together somewhere.
I love attention, I admit it. I love to make people laugh and surprise people... make them remember me...
But where does that get me?
No where really..
Have I ever had a boyfriend?
....mmm... no.
Do I have people calling/texting me inviting me, wanting ME to join them?
From, "Swing Life Away" by Rise Against,
~So let's pack our bags and settle down where palm trees grow
I've got some friends, some that I hardly know
But we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world
We chase these days down with talks of the places that we will go
We live on front porches and swing life away
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave 'til the end
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand~
If i close my eyes and dream hard enough, I can catch glimpses of me in this life.
I suppose it goes along with loving myself... which I don't... Not at all.. especially lately. I wake up each morning dreading the long hours... Isolation... twiddling the hours away doing pretty much nothing.. eating... getting fat... reading... bonding with my hamster... journaling... I've got no plans and too much time... I feel too restless to unwind.. I'm always lost in thought...
Food is a dream and a nightmare mixed into one. Food makes you feel better and then makes you feel worthless the very next minute. Living in a secret world that no one knows about...that no one understands... that I don't even understand myself.. can't explain why, but also can't stop...
I do have dreams.
I do have hopes for the future...
That I will eventually love myself enough to let others love me... to forgive my past... to go on adventures,.... to not make so many excuses... to not shut people out of my life (though i do it unintentionally)
“Life is too short to keep going down the same road where the scenery never changes.”
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Fun Favorite musics
Lovelove LOVE. :]
from the movie, Almost Famous.... "Tiny Dancer" (Elton John) favorite movie of all time...
from the movie, Spinal Tap.
whaaaaaaaaaaaat a stinkin hilarious movie!!!!! ^_^ "Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten the top?"..."These go to 11"
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Animals and such


And lastly, a little girl named Tippi from Namibia...Intriguingly fascinating story....."For 10 years, Tippi wandered the bush bare footed, making friends with all sorts of animals: leopards, caracals, mongooses, baboons and snakes. " She literally grew up with the animals and the native poeple down there... For 10 years, she wandered around, mostly only wearing a loincloth. Her playground was the hills and the harsh desert tribelands of southern Africa; her playmates were big cats, elephants, snakes and crocodiles. More pics of Tippi

Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Animals, Hamster, orangutans, Photography, sloths
Oh the memories....
I can't sleep... So i shall do a but more...
I can't help but reminisce about the many places I have been.. How thankful I am for it all...
...First off....
Walla Walla, Washington... my birthplace... the name just rolls off my tongue, followed by giggles.. I love it... The land of Klickers Strawberries, perhaps the juiciest, most succulent berries I have ever and will ever taste... The Balloon Festivals... tons of beautiful hot air balloons slowly coming to life... arising from the ground.. Brightly colored, oddly shaped, we all stood out in the field, waiting...watching....
Next is Vancouver, Washington... Hazel Dell Little league... twirling on the sidelines of my brother's soccer and baseball games... climbing the fence to play with my neighbors... picking flowers in the huge meadow on the way home from school, getting stung by a bee and having my brother's friend, Brian kiss it better for me... playing all day... hours on end.. inside and outside... birthday parties with pinatas... endless games of Red Rover... climbing trees to be like my brother and getting stuck up at the top... climbing up the homemade fort and entering a whole new world, the crystal palace of my dreams complete with gingerbread sidings and never ending piles of candy-from M&Ms to Skittles to Tootsie Rolls... Cutting my own hair and it ending in disaster (in MY opinion it was pretty, but my mom looked on in horror)... Gymnastics and tumbling....
I also remember playing on the soccer field and having the soccer goal fall on a little boy who was climbing up on top of it..the metal bar on top crushing his abdomen... the ambulance was racing through the soccer field. I still remember the tense hush that enshrouded the field as no one could believe what had just happened/...... Another time, I was riding my tricycle around, saw a big poof of smoke in the air, along with a loud *PWANG!* like in movies, i pedaled around the corner, and saw a little red convertible with flames shooting out of it, licking the sky...... And Kyle telling me that Freddy Krueger lived across the meadow, lurking down in the tall grass, waiting for children to come his way so he could shoot them.... And the little band of mean black elves that lived in a small patch of trees near the meadow, he even brought home a huge butcher knife one day that seemed to have bits of crust, rusty blood on it....
Gig Harbor... Where do i start? Speed boat, flying around the Puget Sound, sometimes towing us kids in the intertube, past Bill Gate's mansion., underneath the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (where supposedly GIANT Squid reside I always squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that a giant tentacle wouldnt coil around ourboat, taking us under).... our beach house, on Sunrise Beach, spending hour
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 1:15 AM 1 comments