Psychedelic Cereal by ~bexter on deviantART
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Deviantart, Funny, Hippie
Party Last Night...
Soo... I always get SOO excited after parties like the one last night.
I meet sooo many people! I love them all, but I always doubt that they will remember me. So there is a lot of teasing "You will sooooooooo not remember me in the morning!"
(I know, I realize I use sooo too much)
And I meet a lot of fun people that I would LOVE to hang out with.
nothing ever comes of it though.
Most all of the people I meet, any and every time I talk to them, they are drunk. Or high. I always wonder if we will ever hang out when they AREN'T like that. In a more subdued atmosphere. Playing scrabble or baking cookies... or painting or going on adventures... no alcohol involved.
I also meet boys that I wish..hope that something will happen between us.. I felt a little spark, but still nothing really happens.
I can still dream though, that someone will try just that little bit.. That they will actually invite me or something.. you know what I mean?
Someone to seek ME out, rather than my having to keep working on other people..
Friends party... by ~Holly2007 on deviantART
I also find that at parties, I hate being alone. I wander from person to person.. or group to group.. I also get a tad nervous and self-conscious when i am with one person for too long.. I don't know what they are thinking and so i think for them.. and that is not a good thing.
I also feel that at times, even though I don't drink, I get contact drunkenness.. i guess... Or more likely, my ADD kicks in and I get hyper and excited and do things without thinking. Which leads to me stumbling, losing my balance, screaming when I pop a balloon, trying to tickle people, and any other thing that comes to my head-I do it without really thinking.. poking peoples pockets... dancing...
If anyone saw me, they would think I truly was drunk or high.. but no... its just me.
A Mad Tea Party by *behindinfinity on deviantART
Love this picture..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Deviantart, Friends, thoughts
Zoo fun!!

Oliver is the 28 male who has been here in the zoo since 1987. He loves to put pizza boxes on his head and hide. He is gentle and loves affection. He always notices new people and changes in his environment. He had 1 female to breed with earlier, but it didn't work out. Now his little lady is Lipz who is 25 and from Milwaukee. All i know is that she hates broccoli and that Oliver didn't take well to her on her arrival. But they are still hoping!!

The Mandrill Babboon.. awww... I felt for him... he was sitting alone on a rock.. hiding his head and the other 2 were in hiding, inside. He COULD have gone inside, but he chose not to...

I learned also that they show their colorful butt to you as a sign of submission and/or apology.

The White-Handed Gibbons sang to me. The female is Christopher, (21 years old) and the female is Fraser (26). They sing loud, long complex duets. Usually it is the male and the female that sing together. They do it in order to deffend their territory or to announce their location. They are the smallest of the apes and in their singing, the females usually lead and the males back up the females lead.

The Birmingham Zoo has llamas too!!! There are 2. One is Cheif and the other is Major. One of them (i forgot which one) is kind of there for free room and board because his owner still shows him. I learned that their tail wagging is not a happy wag. When they wag their tail, get out of their way. They only really spit when they are irritated or being messed with.

The goats that are at the petting zoo are so soft. The kids love them, as do I. They also sneeze on you... and if you get right down on their eye level, they will headbutt you.. sooooooo YOU ARE WARNED!!
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 12:43 PM 0 comments