Fun Car Commecial... The Ford Ka is manufactured in Spain and Brazil.... not QUITE sure the point of this commerciall... maybe its that you can fit a lot of people in it...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Car Commercial
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
some links...
The Most Exotic Brands of Weed Slideshow
kind of interesting.. if you are into that kind of thing.. i never knew there were so many kinds...
7 'Fictional! characters that abused substances...
From Sugar (Willy Wonka) to snuff (SneezY) to steroids/HGH (He-Man)
9 Most Misleading Commercials of th 80s...
From CrossFire to Operation to Guess Who... you soon realize that what you bought is not what was on the commercial..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun, Funny, interesting, lists
I'm glad you're here
what wonderful words to hear
someday i'll get that
until then,
will do
i suppose..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:24 PM 0 comments
here is a movie i want to watch..
here are some clips to tempt you...
"Dear Mr. President" song
BEATLES! (JACK BLACK! and John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison...)
Jenna Fischer!!
Tim Meadows.. Marijuana Warning.. All the reasons pot is bad for you
AND the Trailer...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
why is it that this weekend has been such a workout for my hearT?
soo many emotions i have gone through
so many feelings
so much
Good bad happy sad lonely guilty regret temptation hope fear rejection acceptance pretty ugly lost nostalgic wistful listless surprise hesitancy bliss forgotten
and now
to end the weekend
on the negative... sad alone useless unwanted
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 8:16 PM 0 comments
I want to do that
want to do that
how many can i get i wonder?
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun, inspirational, Music, Videos
Thank you trent~ :) missss you~
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Auditory and Visual Awareness Test
Ok.. Check this out..
It's an awareness test.. make sure your volume is up and you look closely.. it tests visual and auditory awareness..
pretty much
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 8:18 PM 0 comments
more videos
hmm... i wish that i could throw food around like this.. .
Persistence... poor puppy... though i remember doing this when i was a kid.. going up slides-a lot more tricky than it seems.. though i got the hang of it rather quickly..
and for one of my all time favorite clip.. :]
hope it makes you smile!! I LOVE the baby's facial expressions..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 8:01 PM 0 comments
free write.. LET IT OUT!
i tend to not make commitments.
I tend to hold out for something else...
I always want to keep my options open.
There is something i want.. so badly..
and i keep waiting for it
i want him to come
i want him so badly
but it never will be
i keep imagining him off with his freinds
not thinking about me
i want that so bad though
to fall asleep in his arms
watching a movie.. listening to music.. watching the sunrise..
i just want to be there
so safe so warm
let that blissful feeling wash over me
i want to go home with you
but your either too much of a gentleman
or you dont like me.
so safe so warm
there in your arms
i can forget everything
i can leave it behind
so safe so warm
there in your arms
i want to melt into you
i used to be so small
so thin, so fragile
but i was hollow inside
monsters dominated my every though
i felt nothing
no happy no sad no mad
i felt empty
empty and alone
I am now so big
so uncomforatble with what i have become
but i love WHO i am
i feel now
I live now
I dont hide away anymore
i live my life
no more running around
giving away my life in return for assurance
that i am human that i am alive
now i run around giving out little tastes
of what its like to play with me
i dont need others to tell me i am alive
i feel the warm blanket as the sun wraps around me
i laugh-not just because i feel i should
i laugh because i cannot hold it in
when i hug, i pull them into me
i sit closer, talk louder, play longer, cry harder, hurt deeper, stay longer, fall further, crash deeper, fly higher...
and i hate calling people
i fear they are out there having fun
and then i interrupt them and the embarrassment kicks in
how could i think that they wanted to hang out with me?
i hear the voices and laughter in the background
they are having such a wonderful time
and where am i?
sitting in front of my hookah
wishing i had someone with me
as i feel it all
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: blah
Goodnight Lulabye
Last night
I crashed.
At about 3 am I fell into my bed.. but i wanted to listen to my music.. but Julea was asleep in the next room..
i put in my headphones.
Headphones are AMAZING..
you can hear the sound all around you.
Especaily if your eyes are closed.. laying back on your bed with the fluffy comforter.. feeling the cool breeze from the fan above.. drifting off.. hearing the music emulating from all around you..
I felt as though he was in the room with me.. a personal concert.. a goodnight lullaby.. just for me
soo many pretty images came to my eyes as i lay there.. letting the music pour over me..
and before i knew it, it was morning..
this one was pretty trippy... all of the different sounds coming from different areas of the room.. and then the image of Ariel floating around in the ocean.. the waves moving with the music..
I'm going to do this again tonight.. see where the other songs take me..
though... falling asleep while snuggling with someone is an open option too.. i kinda almost want that more.. let me know if your free tonight...
i am going to try this again tomorrow night..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Soooooooo riDONKulous!
:Big ButtS: cover...
:Crank that: CoveR....... Super Amazing fun song....
:Buy You A DrinK: cover...
To all the haters out there...
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:43 PM 0 comments
SpiderPig and Ralph!
LOVE Ralph :]
!Soy Especial!
SpiderPig! :]
Simpsons vs Family Guy..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:23 PM 0 comments
By the way.. i got in the paper on Monday.. I was at Earthfest all day on Sunday
blowing bubbles with myself
blowing bubbls with children
painting faces
building a cardboard maze
helping teat it down with the kids
grooving to the live music
playing iun the drum circle
basking in the sun
splatter painting my dress
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
That 1 Guy
That 1 Guy...
AMAZING man.. one man band..
he created his own instrument! Amazing.. with his hands.. feet... and even his teeth at times! ALL of those sounds come from that instrument and some appendage of his body *(or his singing mouth)*
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Videos
Monday, April 21, 2008
Just 24 hours...
I am needing people to come to my house.
one last time.. please..
no one understands how much this really means to me.
i never had anything in high school. every time i tried to invite people over, Kyle would call me and them names.. and when they left he would most certinaly let it be known that i couldn't/shouldn't have people over.. He was the only one that could have poeple over.
so i stopped.
and i never brought people home during my university days.. except now..
Kyle was always there.. either mean and angry and .. or sick in the hospital or in front of his computer.
also.. i never had friends like i have now.
I have never really had the desire to try to set up a night wehere we take the 2 hour road trip down to my house.. with the
hot tub
pool table
foose ball table
big kitchen
lots of rooms
comfy couches
and more..
Now i want it. I want it more than anything. I want to share with people my life. I want to provide people with memories.. "remember that one time we went down to Dana's?..." I want people to have stories.. I want stories. I want memories.
everyone is too busy
all I ask
is 24 hours
you won't regret it
trust me...
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
why is it
that i have to LEAVE
so soon?
I had such a good chance..
such an opportunity for more than a friendship..
but no
i am leaving
he doesn't want to get started and then have to lose me
i suppose i don't want to either
i just want something.
i want that connection
i want that something more
cuddling and snuggling.. holding each other
coming over simply for a hug
sharing that inside joke or crooked smile
even if it only is for the last few weeks.
dont give up on me
dont leave me behind
dont forget about me
im still here
lets make these last few weeks ones that will go down in our memories
go down in our memories as "the good times"
i never had that.
not in my 4 years of college
never had that group of friends i could hang with
never had that boyfriend i could pour my heart to and still have him love me
never had that friend i could talk to when i felt as though i could never be happy again
i ALMOST have that.
i just wish all of this could have happened soo long ago
it hurts
wanting this to last
when i know it cant
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: poems
more more more
I do
i do want to feel the way i felt that felt so good
i want that feeling again
that tingling all over
the butterflies
the catch of the breath...
reaction at the slightest touch...
my tickle spot :]
melt me as your fingers brush across my back..
...just below the neck..in between the shoulders...
now you have me
i'm yours
you know how to melt me
catch my eye and lock it in
i try to turn away but i cannot
what is it that you see
when you look inside of me?
its the laugh i love
its the eyes.. the looks..
the touches.. the gestures..
running my fingers through your hair..
i hope it relaxes you
..releases the ups and downs of the day..
and i know
when i hear the sigh
i love that feeling i felt that felt so good when i felt it
i do
i do want that feeling
now you have me...
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 2:48 AM 0 comments
late night musings..
come sleep!
come to me gently
if i close my eyes
will you come by and give them a kiss
release my soul and let it breathe
lets go on the journey
lets do all the things i thought about doing
but didn't
let's do the things we both know we want to do
or rather.. the things i wish you would want to do
let the moon carry me
take me on a ride
take me away
to the place in my mind
where everything is always right
where the butterflies are always fluttering about
inside of me
that feeling envelops me
sailing in a sea of bliss
if only
if only in my waking life
if only in my waking life i could experience that sensation
a taste here
a brush there
lingering in the tension between us
only to be shattered as the door closes
leaving me to be forgotten
tossed aside and replaced
by all those others
the pretty ones
the cute ones
the ones with the dainty hands
the ones with the tight bodies
the ones with the smile.. the dress.. the boobs.. the body.. the hair.. the eyes..
and here i am
all alone again
forgotten until the next time we encounter each other
and once again our dance will begin
but only for the moment
i need more
I feel the connection.. why don't you?
i think about you when you aren't with me... why don't you?
meanwhile i sink down.. falling fast..
waiting for you to catch me
you or me?
who should stop?
please don't use me like this.
if you want to play, play..
but please, if you play then play and stay...
let me hold onto this feeling through the night
so wrap me up and hold me tight
or let me go and don't come back
let me know, please let me know
if i need to get over you
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: poems
Friday, April 18, 2008
:] I found a lovely fun things..
These are my lovely children from the summer camp last summer.. in my art room... notice the walls.. we painted them.. :] As i said.. its not necessarily the PRODUCT.. its the process that i live for..
I found this on my computer and I had it as a post awhile ago.
but it made me smile.
so here we go again.
Soo... i pretty much love painting.
The greatest most wonderful times are with paint.. whether it be tossing powered paint around in the sky or in a fan and let it slowly flow down from the sky like colored snow.. or tossing soft squishy balls covered in paint at each other... or mixing together the vibrant colors and watching as the swirls slowly merge into each other and form a new color.. the cool creamy feel of the paint as you squish it around your fingers... the swooosh of the paint brush as you leave behind a trail of paint on the paper.
I cannot paint without getting it all over. All over me... all over the floor.. all over the paper... all over everything...
I never have a product in mind when i start painting. I let it emerge. That is the best part because you can never mess up.
As the lovely Pablo Picasso once said, “The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?”
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, camp, fun, inspirational, paint
What makes YOU think of ME?
and does anyone even really read this?
Let me know out there.. that someone read this.. or no one does..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
More Playlist music..
.....I like the Live from the Music Lounge version 1023-0923-90 times better
I want to meet a mother nature;s son..
what if the wind of my soul is drowned out by all of the tornados around me?
I want to go see him.. quite badly..
He came around here nearby somewhere on Monday AND I NEVER KNEW!! sad :[ I shall have to catch him another time..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bright Eyes, Music, Videos
time to get on with life.
Anybody have any fun songs to share with me?>
I need more.. new music..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 9:30 AM 0 comments
dumpy doldrums...
Up and down.
I feel so fragile in my mine.
so emotionally vulnerable.
the littlest thing sets me off
all i want is a hug... that physical assurance that life will be okay.
I had a taste of how wonderful life could be.. now it has disappeared.. like dust in the wind.
Why? why can't i let things slide? why can't i be by myself? Why do i have this yearning for such human closeness?
All i want
is to snuggle... to cuddle.. to lean against someone and have them lean back against me
I am scared to make the deep emotional connections that i so want.. the weeks are drawing to a close.. but at the same time i cannot sit back and let these days pass me by.
Fickle and finicky.. some people are..
I went over to Dan's tonight.. After much debate with my own mind.. and with Julea and Ian, i went against their advice and went over..
They were pretty much right...
just as i had finally stopped crying the phone rang and it was his ex... her last night in town.. which is part of the reason he needed me..
i left. I left so that he could spend the rest of the night with him.
now i cannot sleep.
i cannot think.
i just want. i just need.
I try to reach out to certain people.. boys.. but no real response.. no consistent signs.. maybe i am oblivious..
No se. deseo gritar mismo para dormir. Deseo sentirme vivo otra vez.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mario Theme Played With Remote Contorl.. and bottles...
Mario Theme Played with RC Car and Bottles - Watch more free videos
I cannot even imagine how long it would take to set this up.. I am speechless..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun, Funny, interesting, Videos
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My Playlist for the moment...
Dashboard Confessional... "Ghost of a Good Thing"
3 Days Grace.. "I Hate Everything About You"
Iron & Wine.. "Boy with a Coin"
Hoobastank.. "Disappear"
Ferras.. "Hollywood's Not America"
Great Big Sea.. "Fast As I Can"
my weeker
recap of the week.
aietaouijgadojg alkjfk adf;k;adjf adjfjhfa Sunshiney painting on the lake with friends ajhfajfipoaejwtoaijflkad late night hookah 19jfakjnbgak njdeikwnd adkj dinner party with bouncy balls and hoola hoops.. cant believe that this is my life! :] ajfhoiawjoijalk :[ :[ aoijaoijgn nekeandf SKULLDUGGERY! Irish jigs .. out until bar closing... is this really me doing all of this? :] aoaijfoignjng brownies marshmallows caramel hookah balls fun- Party up, awkward moments, anxious anticipation, clean up, How did i get myself into this? 2ioadfkjlnadlkjfh euphoric happiness and bombed out bottomness.. eager to believe that this is what it is.. glimpses of action and mingling with strangers while exchanging phone numbers, not that anyone will call or remember the next morning.. walking home from the party at 2:30 am the loneliest, coldest, longest, saddest, scariest walk i have ever experienced.. aklfja;oijaojdfa
Now what?
Is this what i want?
I don't know. It is fun! I love it! But I feel so exhausted and torn up and confused inside. It is fulfilling in the moment, but all i feel now is exhausted chaos. I get so caught up in things.. in the moment.. in the feeling.. in the fact that people do want to talk to me.. and then once i am alone, it is back to the same old...
why cant i just be?
I have gotten to know some amazing and spirit lifting people in the past week though. Strengthening the bond and letting myself open up to them.. I feel as though i can tell them anything and everything without being judged. They take me as i am. They are free.. like i want to be.. And i am becoming their little "protoge" and i love it. With them i am learning to accept myself and not think to harshly of myself.. i need them in my life. I can be lazy with them and i am fine.. it is not very often i can sit around and do nothing.. but with them i can..
I am beyond sleepy.
no more waiting for text messages that will never come..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 3:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
THought-provoking, life-inspiring questions..
Once again.. my class has gotten to me..
I have been quite thinky lately. I know that is not a word, but it is how i feel.. for all you people who need REAL words.. contemplative.. reminiscent.. dreamy...
Soo many things have happened..
Everytime i think my life is going crazy, the next day/week i realize i had no idea what crazy really was.
Class today.. the questions my professor proposed really got to me. I shall share a few with you..
--> Name a subject you can speak about with real authority because you have lived it.
[growing confidence and loving it.. but how it can get you in troubling times with others.. your newfound confidence to face the world and meet people]
--> If money was no object, what are three (3) things you would like to experience or do?
[money is not an issue with the things i would like to experience.. well.. not really.. but (1) going to the Beale Street Music Festival would be aMazing! (2) Going to Thailand.. (3) ???]
--> Imagine you are standing at a crossroads with two arrows pointed in opposite directions. What is written on the signs? (first thought..instinct..don't think..what do you see?)
[passion ... security]
-->What did your parents NOT want you to do with your life?
[be sad.. unsafe..holding myself back]
-->Imagine you are going to a Halloween party next weekend-What will you go as?
[A honeybee..with honey.. OR something with a tutu or a skirt that spins all the way out.. ooooo fun]
-->What is something people have been telling you your whole life? (1 good 1 bad)
[that i am crazy/eccentric/special and that i am very impatient]
-->How would/do you spend your disposable income?
[food.. to cook for others.. to give out to others.. or little random trinkets such as bubbles, paint, bouncy balls, stickers to share with others.. let them live out childhood again]
-->If someone were to say, "Just go for it!" What would "it" be?
[i choose not to disclose this information at this time... :]
--> How would it look if someone turned up the volume in your life right now?
[mind blowing.. i can barely take it at this pace.. though chaos and thrills are what i do love]
-->What is the most important thing missing from your life right now?
[a couple i could think of off the top of my head.. self confidence.. self acceptance..]
-->If you were not worried about consequences what act of chaos would you introduce into your life to shake it up and help it grow?
[pretty much doing more of what i am doing now... going out with friends at all hours of the night.. letting go.. acting on my feelings and not holding back because of what i fear]
-->What have you rejected or ignored that seems determined to keep following you around?
[Many people know all too well what/who this is...]
-->Name a pattern or two in your life that you are sick of?
[getting scared and copping out.. getting too distracted to fully enjoy what i should... not making decisions until it is too late]
-->Who is someones life that you envy and why?
[Emily Brooks. I know she has her own problems/issues and she knows it too. She is not perfect, but she certainly lives life to the fullest. she is always being called out to go places.. she is always loved by others.. she is always so genuine and loves experiencing life. She is an inspiration and a motivator. I am soo thankful to have her as my friend.. AND SHE IS GOING TO SPEND THE SUMMER WITH ME TOO!-maybe-]
-->If you had the opportunity to teach every child in the world one life lesson, what would it be?
[to be yourself.. to do what you want and not what others want you to do.. let loose.. be free.. shock others.. don't hide yourself away]
Listen to those song lyrics that get stuck in your head... pay attention.. they may be very telling of your inner desire or need...
at the moment.. mine has been "Kiss the Girl" (hmmmmm..) and "Boy with a Coin" (listen below..)
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: inspirational, interesting, thoughts
Monday, April 7, 2008
Post SEcret
I LOVE PostSecret..
so many of them are soo true...
so simple.. but so powerful..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: inspirational, interesting, sad, Videos
more fun pictures
Once again.. pictures for you from FFFFOuND
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, Children, fun, interesting, pictures
Wheel Surf
The Wheel Surf...
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: ads, interesting
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Ha! I don't know who did this.. but they decided it would be funny to slow down an old Apple commercial by 30% and it made me laugh.. Soo i had to share it with you :] Jeff Goldblum apple commercial for YOU@!
And then from looking at that commercial thingie on YouTube.. i found this other fun gem..
lol! oooooooooooomy
.. :] ..
Jeff Goldblum is actualy really funny. I never really knew much about him except for the fact that he was in JURASISC PARK!! UNTIL today..
Though i think this clip kind of drags on a bit... buttttttt sooo ridiculous!!
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
PerPetual Kid.. "entertain your inner child"
My favorite fun little interweb buying shop (which i actually have not bought anything from yet) is crammed with all kinds of fun things to entertain you in many ways..
Perpetual Kidis the name.. And i have picked out a sampling of different things they offer.. feel free to explore around it yourself!
Here is a simple way to make plans with someone! Fill out your name.. their name.. and simply check the box in the appropriate activity that you want to participate in with them.. or do to them.. or do for them..

Tired of saying the same thing over and over again to the babysitteR? Here is your solution! Simply click the boxes that are appropriate and leave it for her/him .. easy to read.. easy to fill out.. and might save your children's lives! ! ! what more could you ask for?

Moon Jar! Ever wanted to capture the moon? Well here it is! Nice and packaged up for you!
"Captured inside the jar are a highly efficient solar cell, rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps. When the jar is placed in sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar."

Fun! in the sun! Ever wanted to hold the sunshine in your hands? Now you can! ITS THE SUN JAR!! .. same technology with the lighitng as there is in the MOON JAR (which is by far my favorite..

BANANA PHONE!! Da na na na... ever heard that song?? well.. now you can recreate it! AND poeple will think you are talking to a BANANA!!!

Simply slide the ripe yellow banana peel onto any handle and there is NO CHANCE of you getting burnt when you cook your Moussaka! It is heat-resistant silicone!
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: ads, art, Design, experiments, fun, Funny, Home, interesting, kids
Kung Fu Bear
Here is the little blurb they had about this fun little Kung Fu Bear
"An Asiatic Black bear attracted attention in a Japanese zoo, after keepers discovered it spent hours twirling a stick.
The bear, also known as Claude, lives in A-sa Zoo logical park in Hiroshima, and spends hours on his stick, twisting and twirling it.
He's been obsessed with the sticks since he arrived at the Zoo six years ago after his mother was caught in a trap and killed in the forests of Hiroshima.
Although he had let go of the sticks in the past few years, he recently picked up the habit again.
The zoo has prepared 15 sticks for Claude to play with. It's unknown whether the bear's behaviour is dysfunctional, nevertheless Claude has attracted many visitors who want to see his kung-fu exercise. "
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Fun night..
What a wonderful night last night!
I invited people over.. we got down with the hookah.. i LOVE watching the smoke spill out of peoples (or my) mouth as it spirals and swirls all around.. making its way around the room... We chilled.. music.. cookies.. hookah.. bubbles.. black light..
Hippie Hollow!
soo many people kept pouring in! I LOVE Exa And Emily's place! Everyone is sooo intriguing.. theater people.. hippie people.. people who do their own thing.. I saw soo many people I hadn't seen in forever-or rather hadn't had the time to talk to in forever.. kicked 2 people to Amsterdam in Foose Ball.. and then sooo totally lost the last one.. played with puppies.. ran around from room to room aimlessly talking to whoever was in my way..
:] Mallet is super fun. Soo many nerds! Soo many cuties.. Soo many fun people.. And-especially that night-SOoo many drunkards! I hadn't seen around Mallet properly.. downstairs.. in the basement.. LOTS of people down there! Music.. couches.. video games.. drinks.. ping pong table.. pool table.. random fun signs on the wall.. lots of people that knew me and i didn't remember them and felt bad.. Ended up playing ping pong with a new friend and we had some super good rallies and then i would randomly (accidentally) hit it across the room in the OPPOSITE direction.. or behind him in the kitchen area.. or up to the ceiling..
I am SO going back there tonight..
Ohhh yeaa!
I also got a fun new dress yesterday which i wore last night.. I had never worn a dress like this before.. I never realized how big my boobies were until i wore that! LoL! It made me giggle... though i was quite self conscious and had to keep looking down to make sure they were still where they were supposed to be.. i am not very graceful either so mmm yea.. interesting times with that dress.. butttttttttttttttt i pretty much knew what people were looking at... not necessarily the best thing on my part, but it was nice to get attention.. tonight when i go i will tone it down a bit..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:07 AM 0 comments