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Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Theme songs... in movies... :)
He was my hero... and still is... :) Come to me Dr. Jones!!
gotta love the music!!
Another favorite of mine.. The music.. ohh man..
Another intense movie with an even more intense song... one that will haunt me for years to come..
Star Wars!! This song always reminds me of waiting in the line at DisneyLand...
Back to the Future... Once again.. in floods memories of standing in lines waiting...
JURASSIC PARK!! I only waited in line for this ride once.. but wow.. what a ride.. :) Gotta love the movie too..
Pink Panther! I remember playing this back in Jazz Band.. in 7th grade i think..!wow so long...
From Friday Night Lights.. its EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY!!!
pretty music.. :) I never would have known about Explosions in the sky if it wasn't for Kyle.. i miss you kyle..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Recycled Fun
Recycle your old pens! Create a chandelier!
Have you got leftover old cds? Create a chair!! Strange sensation i imagine..
turn your bathtub into a couch!! :)
Its a chair made out of pop cans! Recycled furniture at its best@! ..though i cant imagine that they are very comfortable.. and they probably would rust,.. wouldn't they?
How fun!! A Shopping Cart Chair!!
Thanks to
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: ads, art, fun, interesting
Life as I know it
This is a shirt that I saw a friend of mine wear.. i kinda super like it..
what What What??
Life is kicking in full gear.. 5 1/2 weeks? so much to do.. so much to see..
where will i be after the summer?
I don't know if i want to think about that right now.. Live for the moment.. keep the dream alive..
things are being stirred inside of me that I didn't know existed...
Remember that happiness is a way of travel — not a destination...
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: interesting, thoughts
Reno 911...
Reno 911!!
Mannnnnnn I LOVE this show! :)
Its soo ridiculously silly...
Trudy Wiegel and her song...
"Be A Cop" on Craig Ferguson... Lieutenant Dangle and Officer Junior
TERRY!! MY favorite person EVER!!! "Tug Jobs in the Bathroom"
Terry!! :)
More Terry!!
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 1:18 PM 0 comments
King Henry VII?
... In light of watching "The Other Boelyn Girl" .. and reading the book.. I came across this interesting little bit of random facts about King Henry VIII..
take a look or a read if you would like...
**Straight From my FAVORITE Magazine/blog/website.. Mental Floss**
1. Henry was never supposed to be King.
It was always intended that Henry’s older brother Arthur would take over from their father as the King of England. While Henry was merely the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and the Earl Marshal of England, Arthur held the Prince of Wales title. Arthur died rather unexpectedly at the age of 15, not long after getting married to Catherine of Aragon from Spain. Thus began Henry’s rein – he pretty much just stepped in and picked up where Arthur left off, including Catherine. Prior to his brother’s death, it was assumed that Henry would have a prosperous career with the Church. Pretty funny, considering how cavalierly he played with the Church’s rules to suit his marriages and divorces later in life.
2. He apparently compared his fourth wife to a horse.
Fast forward through Henry’s annulment with Catherine, the beheading of Anne Boleyn, and the death of Jane Seymour and we have wife #4, Anne of Cleves. His motives for marrying her were purely political – she was the sister of the Duke of Cleves, who was Protestant. The Duke was an important friend to have in case the Roman Catholics decided to invade England, and so the marriage was arranged. The problem? The picture that Henry based a large part of his decision on was apparently more than a little flattering. When he met her in person just prior to their marriage, he apparently compared her to a horse. They got married anyway, and by all accounts it was pretty miserable. The marriage was annulled and she received the title of “The King’s Sister,” which totally baffles me. If anyone can explain this to me, please do.
3. He had an affair with Anne Boleyn’s sister.
One of the plots in The Other Boleyn Girl is about Henry having an affair with Anne Boleyn’s sister, Mary. This really happened when Mary served as Catherine of Aragon’s lady-in-waiting for ten years. Her first two children are rumored to be Henry’s, but this was never proven. After her first husband died, Mary wed a commoner with no social status and was thus disowned by Anne. She is the ancestor of Winston Churchill, Princess Diana and Sarah, Duchess of York (among others).4. He was a sickly fellow.
Henry’s health problems were vast. Although he was athletic in his youth, a jousting mishap left him unable to exercise. As a result, his waistline climbed to 54 inches. He had severe migraines and suffered from terrible insomnia. It’s speculated that he also suffered from gout, and eventually the jousting wound in his thigh became ulcerated (which may have actually helped to cause his death). Modern doctors suggest that Henry probably had type II diabetes.
5. Supposedly his last words were “Monks, monks, monks!”
6. He was buried with his third wife.
Henry was buried at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle with third wife Jane Seymour. He considered her his only “true” wife, since she was the only one of the six to bear him a son.
7. He could be haunting Hampton Court Palace.
In October 2003, security at the Palace checked their surveillance tapes to see why one of the fire doors kept opening. As they watched, a strange figure appeared in the doorway and closed the doors. The figure appears to be wearing period dress. If Hampton Court is haunted, it’s with good reason: Jane Seymour died there after giving birth and fifth wife Catherine Howard was arrested there in 1542 for cheating on King Henry (which was treason at the time). When she found out she was being arrested, she fled down the long Gallery screaming for the King to save her.8. He left his mark.
Despite his many marriages and his rage issues, Henry left quite a legacy. He, Alfred the Great and Charles II are traditionally referred to as the founders of the Royal Navy. He invested quite heavily in shipmaking, including the Mary Rose, which he named after his sister (although some speculate he was trying to impress Mary Boleyn).By the way, one of the ways to keep track of Henry’s six wives and how they came to be separated from him is to use this little rhyme: Divorced, beheaded, died; divorced, beheaded, survived (even though they were technically annulments and not divorces).
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: history, interesting, Mental Floss
Friday, March 28, 2008
random funness
Thursday, March 27, 2008
No escaping...
Nothings as loud as the voices that are whispering inside of your head.
I realized that I cannot run away from what I was trying to escape from.
Life is no different. My mind follows me wherever i go. They creep in...
I am still worried about where I will be after my summer camp... Thanks to my parents and other well meaning folks that balk when i say I have no idea where i will be.
I still am not as good of a freind as I know I could be.
The mirror is stil my enemy and my eyes have the uncanny ability to distort reality
I still listen to music,. close my eyes and long to be THERE.. to feel that way...
I still crave human connection and contact and understanding...
I still hvae the urge from deep down to cry.. to kick a wall.. but for no one reason... no one reason that i can place my finger upon atleast
I still wonder what people see when they look at me
I still hate the fact that I feel this way and cant allow myself to just LET GO
(Although.. there are certian times during the day when I am able to...)
Check out this song... It is one that I wish...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wayra Urku
These are NOT my pictures.. :( I had to search these down on the interweb.. but i wanted to share with you the animals that were at Wayra Urku..
---All of the animals have been rescued from restaurants and homes.. many have never seen thier own kind before... Before we release them into the wild, we make sure they are ready.. each animal has its own set of requirements before we release them.
Every morning at 8 am, we clean their cages.. scrape the surfaces, wet them down, wipe them again.. clean the water bowl.. scrape up the pooh from the bottom of the enclosure (mud).. and then set out food for them to eat.
We have a small break from 10 until 11 and then work again until 1.. lunch break until 3 and then work again until 5.
--The after feeding jobs range between repairing cages, creating new ones, fixing the pathways, hauling up sand bags, hollowing out bamboo, or.. at one time.. making a bong...Capuchin Monkeys.. they used to be pets.. so we have them and are helping them get used to the wild again... Except for Sam and Little Fucker.. they are beyond that.. they cannot go back to the wild... :(
Nocturnal Kingajoo.. He looks soo cute.. until he jumps at you.. hissing and spittleing..
My favorite! THE MARGAY!! Such beautiful, enchanting eyes...
Wooly Monkey!! ours is named Johnny... or Wobbly Monkey.
Pecaries! Stinky bad evil little wild hogs... snarling... snorting.. but they had an amazing little enclosure..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Animals, Ecuador, Wayra Urku
Sunday, March 16, 2008
some things I learned..
Now. Now.
I am back. Back in the United States.
Sad times. :[
My escape to Ecuador was far to short.
I learned a LOT though...
1. Just Do It... Let go.. if you want to go out and play football (or "soccer") in the mud in the middle of a torrential downpour, DO IT. Someone will eventually join you... Mud fun :)
2. If a wild tarantula pounces on you as you tromp through the Amazon jungle, do NOT scream and flail about... that only drives their desire to BITE
3. Have your fellow trekkers take the tarantula OFF of you before they start snapping pictures.
4. Once you have had a tarantula attack you once, you will be paranoid the whole rest of the trip that they are all out to get you.
5. Secure your camera... The Amazon is NOT flat and perfect.. muddy and hilly and slippy and cameras tend to sneak out of backpacks.. :( I miss my camera,..
Try to be sure that it is securely held in your hand-or attached to a carabeaner
6. If you wander out "alone" in the dark to "look for sloths" while everyone else is drunk..they WILL notice that you are missing.. send out search parties...
...more on that later...
7. Machetees are the ULTIMATE!
Choppp pathways through thick vines in the jungle.. cut open pineapple, guava, papaya.. sharpen them on rocks.. cut down trees...
8. Even if you take a shower everyday, by 9:30 am you will look, feel and smell as though you haven't taken a shower in weeks.
9. Hammocks, coffee, tea... NOT luxuries, but necessities..
10. Keep your bags with you at all times, even on the bus.. DO NOT put it in the overhead bin, even if a nice man politely informs you that the bags need to go above... (bye bye Ipod and money...)
11. When you wake up in the middle of the night, it is almost as though you haven't opened your eyes.. the darkest place i have ever seen..
12. Time in Ecuador drags on forever... It is close to the equator so the Ecuadorian minute has an extra 50 seconds before it moves on to the next minute.
13. Even though it is in South America, pretty much on the Equator, and in the Amazon.. it is not all warm
14. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between pooh and mud...
15. Capuchin Monkeys like to play and squeak and crawl all over you and hug you and check your hair for fleas and clean your fingernails..
16. Lo Siento.. probably the most used Spanish phrase I used.. "I'm sorry!"
17. Popcorn is super fun when it is being popped on the stove... music for your ears, mouth, nose and hands...
18. The buses... people would climb on and hop off while it was still moving.. wandering up and down the aisle trying to sell some of their goods.. homemade "chips" or bags of plantains.. MANY things i had NEVER seen before in my life..
19. The buses do not pay attention to the "Peligro" signs all over... they zoom around the corners and down the hills.. even though there is a ravine on one side and a clif on the other... and tunnels that are sooo dark.. no lights on the inside and the headlights of the bus were off... the walls were NOT smooth like normal tunnels, but rocky... reminded me of some wack Disney World ride..
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ecuador, Jungle, thoughts, Wayra Urku
Friday, March 14, 2008
Chris Crocker Fun :)
"be your own boyfriend..."
I LOVE Chris Crocker! :) He makes me laugh.. he makes me smile.. and sometimes he makes me realize...
"Behind every girl... is a gay best friend."
"it dont matter about her momma and daddys approval, it matters about her gay best friends approval.."
Ha! :) "What you really need to be doing is bringing that gay best friend a fruit basket and shaking his hand!"
ooo man...
"...all i need is a 5 minute stand! And we dont need to be standing if you know what i mean!"
" I may @(#$ a stranger but ain't let him stay in my house!"
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chris Crocker, fun, inspirational, Videos
Funny Little Animals..

Thanks to Dark Roasted Blend
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:47 PM 0 comments
I have been Sooo busy with all kinds of fun things.. and not so fun things..
Making new friends... making colorful swirly crayons... baking cookies and foccacio.. Zoo times.. Children's Museum times.. freak out about the future times... making me want to do even MORE things that I haven't done and find ways to continue doing the things i do like..
Therefore, I have had little time to concentrate when I am browsing the net and looking for fun things to post.
I will be gone to Ecuador for a spell (Saturday March 15-Wednesday March 27)
Wow.. when i actualy write it out it seems like suuuuch a long time!
Yes. I am scared. Yes. I am excited. Yes. I am nervous.
Who knows what will happen? I know wayyy too many things that COULD happen.. but that does not mean that it WILL happen.
Anyway, One last post (i think) before i head out..
Prepare for many pictures of my travels and stories of my adventures!
:) :) :) :)
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ecuador, Wayra Urku
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Monty Python!!
LumberJack Song!
Brave Sir Robin!!
The French Taunters...
Man Who Speaks only the Ends of Words... (BEAUTIFULLY DONE!!)
Ministry of Silly Walks
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun, Funny, Monty Python, Videos
Fun Videos for you!
Herreeeeeeeee is a song about Tuscaloosa! Written by a Tuscaloosan (sp?)
interesting... pretty voice...
The Sloth Life-It Can Changes..
Creepy little Tarsier .. LOOKIN AT YOU!~!
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Blah Blah
The days are running low..
soon i will be out of Tuscaloosa... To Ecuador..
I still cannot imagine myself being out there .. all by myself..
And then after watching movies with all kinds of friends going on adventures together.. I want that. I want that bonding experience that everyone else seems to have had. I try to explain to people.. no one really understands.. I NEVER had anything like that growing up.. and then especially when i got into college.. the first three or so years i was pretty much preoccupied with "issues".. many poeple may have THOUGHT that i was happy or i don't know what they thought. but they did NOT know me.
Now I am finally making connections with poeple.. WANTING to go out.. yearning to explore what the world has to offer and what I have to offer to the world. And sooo soon it will all be taken away and i will have to start all over again.
then soon after that i will be off to North Carolina.. and then what? then where?
My parents are NOT making this easier on me... every time.. every conversation.. "So, these places you are looking at, do they have Health Insurance?" . "You should've gone to Graduate School.." /| \
I don't know what i want to do with my life.
I find that this is a common topic throughout my blogs though. I shall not dwell on it much more.
I will occupy my time with scouring the net for more and more job opportunities that my parents can shoot down .. bring me back to reality that it IS NOT going to work for me.
I need to suspend reality for awhile. esssssscape!
Posted by CinnomanSwirls at 10:38 PM 0 comments